Springtime on the Chilterns

We are so lucky to live in such an accessible place, near to many urban populations but wonderfully rural thanks to the topography of the Chilterns.
You may all moan about the steepish ascents and descents we sometimes include on walks but without that you do not get those spectacular views – often with no one else in sight.

Spring is one of the most wonderful times of year with everything looking fresh and beautiful – the beechwoods, wild flowers and plethora of birds and other wildlife.
There are many SSI’s with rare plants and birds and only this morning I heard a cuckoo – once plentiful but no longer.
Otters and kingfishers are more frequent sights and some areas there are nightingales singing and other less common birds.

A walk along the quieter stretches of river often yields sightings of these birds and animals, nesting swans and other water birds, the Loddon lily, reed beds and wildflowers

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